("Canelo") Drymis wintery 
Resultado de imagen para arbol canelo grande
today tell you them because Drymis winteri is my favorite native tree. To begin with tell you them as the canelo influence in my life. As a child I was always called by nature, in the House of my childhood I had a patio with trees and many plants, me and my brother always played in the shadow of the Big Apple, and a beautiful cinnamon trees which with its green leaves and white rather not delivered tranquility and peace. Whenever we play going to the playground because I in sang discover different bugs and relax to see so much peace and beauty. Whenever she angry me with my father or mother I was running in search of shade and tranquility, and this gave it me a great cinnamon-coloured snake-shaped Cup with abundant leaves, which was in the corner of the courtyard, I me refuge under the shadow of this, I sat and relaxing, I feel very good and close to nature. All lived with this tree brings me fond memories of my childhood, and every time I return to this House happened to see like this this a tree grown from when I was a kid. So for all lived with the "canelo" tree, I consider it my favorite tree.


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