autobiography of alvaro (blogdelafeña)

my name is alvaro, i am twenty years old
i was born in Santiago of Chile in august of 1996, i studied in school Mayor located in La Florida , well i studied all my life in this school. I live all my childhood in Santiago, and in the holydays my family and me, were going to Linares a beautiful place where my grandfather lived. my family from the south is very big and united, although have a lot people in my family we know each other. I have a two brothers , one sister ,her name is Silvana and one brother, his name is Sebastian. Both of them are very affectionate and i love them. My main hobbies are running, playing soccer, watching film and listening music.
thanks for read the blog of feña;)


  1. I think that your sports are very common, but if you like practice them, i don't have opinion about your physical activity.

  2. apparenlty your is a great young person, you can invite to running !!!

  3. Well Alvaro, you look like a very interesting person, your autobiography it's fascinating

    1. pass for my blog man ;)

  4. I love you my best friend. You will always on my heart <3

  5. Good pic my friend, you are beautiful <3

  6. Oh my God! Your photo is the most beautiful thing that I have seen in my life.
    Pd: I love the flog of feña, I am feñalovers


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